What you need to be Food Stylist

This is the most questions which come when people want to start want to be Food Stylist.
Often they just knowing that food Stylist is cool job in the last few years and then they just watch we arrange and get paid huge. Is that true?
If you just see that perspective you need to ask your self why you want to be Food Stylist? Do you want to be cool? Or you want to get huge paid? But the main point do you love actually in food stylist. Because that is the main factor.
"I was hate to be Food Stylist in the beginning, I was work a lot of hours and not get paid" Fatula said " the first stage I am start my Food Stylist work my client don't pay me with the reason busy, I am quite fragile in that time and I was thinking my style is bad and I want to give up" she continue " but I was wrong, I am realize I was do food Stylist because I love it and I am feeling much useful as Food Stylist, and few years after the cry babies time, I proove it" 
Fatula also explain that is bussines never easy wherever you are, even you are in the start or in the top. You will meet with all the trouble like under estimate, team problem and etc. The different is just about how you face it. 
Love to food Stylist is just the strongest factor to make you survive. And to be cool and high paid just side effect. You will always worth as you are. 
When you sitting in the food stylist as your professional job, you will in the position of the feeling that you will do that forever and sometimes you will go to the feeling I am never want to do it again. But if we realise what is the same thing about this situation is we love Food Stylist. Because if you are not love it, just for chasing the popularity and the money. The wind to strong for you to stand with that fragile foundation. 
"I was addict in food stylist without I realising, one in the day I cannot cook properly just for learn the degrees that make the food change color or some times I was go out before sunrise to see how the plants change like the flowers full blooming, just like crazy " Fatula explain her stage learning food Stylist" I was pick up many branches in the road and old wood that abandon in the field to complete my Stylist " 
She very exited to explain all her first stage as food Stylist, because she never know it will be in this point. You can also become like her. Doesn't matter that you don't know anything about food Stylist for now. Or you don't have money for start learning. 
"I was get robbed when just arrive in Bali, a lot of plate missing, my portfolio missing and no money and I have jobs that refuse to pay my salary because the uniform also stolen, and some of my portfolio lost with my laptop" she mentioned about hard part when start in Bali " but now I am realised, that situation just like tampolin for me, because in that time I have more time to be innovative and observation more about Food Stylist and in that point also I am starting the idea of name Food Stylist Bali and now already 9 years and still counting" 
Never give up for loving food Stylist will be deliver you in the right path of your career. Negative and try to plagiarism another Food Stylist is not make speed up your career, just dig your own talent make your own mark and when you open your eyes the calping belongs to you the for real. In that stage all ot of people will try to copy you, or try to let you down. But your love in Food Stylist will help you to be always stand out as your effort that already done. 
" I was leran food Stylist before smartphone come to this world, and no work sho about it and I am living in the country that I cannot study about it in any education place. But always some where you can find the way, and I believe with all the easier era if you are now don't know anything about food Stylist you don't need to be worried about that. You can start it now and keep going until you find your own rewards " Fatula message to all beginners. 
And we are thinking the same think as you know she was our spirit in Food Stylist Bali 


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