Food Stylist is A Taste

When we discussed about food stylist result, we often find what our clients, friends and another person don't like about the food stylist result. That is normal, but often that situation is make us end up in conclusion that the most dislike food stylist work is bad and the most food stylist that most like is good.
But, for us no one them is bad, just because people around us dislike them. That is just because the taste of people around us. 
"When I start play rustic messy in my food stylist work people hate my style a lot" said Fatula Waluyo (senior food stylist at Food Stylist Bali) " but I keep continue, because I know that is have a good perspective and purpose. So, I went to change my direction by offering to some European who lived in Bali and start get good response and feedback also hired" she continued "So, if you have strong reason about your style in Food Stylist and you believe is good, keep working and find who will put your food style in their taste"

The world not just one page, and one mind, always some where place for our art will get appreciate as an artist in our work. 

Feel free to contact us for food stylist needs 
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