Food stylist for Chocolate

Chocolate is one of he unique food to handle for performing in front of camera. The color of the food and the texture difficult to be shown how delicious they are, if we do the wrong move.
What we need  For basic knowledge? first we have to know about the pure chocolate reaction to the heat. As all the shoot always dealing with the light. Either natural light or artificial light.
And then, usually the brand add another component for make the chocolate bar. As usually we see about the word like 90%, 70%, 60% and etc. The percentage is meaning about the quantity of chocolate and the rest is another component. So, we need to know the to see how much they can handle the heat as well.
Another thing, you need to find is it the project happen in indoor, semi outdoor or totally outdoor, using Air conditioner, heater, air cooler or just room temperature, as chocolate also easy to look dry following the situation in the shoot.
If you can request the room following the chocolate, it would be great. But handle them in any situation would be pretty awesome. 

Our team had good experience with them. We can handle them to be shown in whatever you need and you want to your market. 

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