Do the Beautiful props Stylist with just ingredients

Is it possible to create the beautiful props set up for food Stylist work with just ingredients?
YES!!! Absolutely possible, basicly ingredients had their own way to look attractive in set, and it will more tempting than any type of props.
But of course we are not just put them there and hope it's come out as beautiful they are in set. They still need our help to expose their best part. 
One of the sample in our picture above.
We just use one type of ingredients as props with little support from cheap stones. But it's Come out Beautiful and on budget. 
You just need one head of broccoli and around 20pcs of stone. For background we choose green color which similar with broccoli color to make the the landscape of broccoli get expose more. 
If you are not use do this kind of Stylist, first step you need is drawing the idea of this Stylist. And start adjust is it until you feel looks suitable as in your heart. 
Because ingredients props had limited time in their fresh condition and if you cut them you cannot change the shape. It so different with all another props, like cutting board, dishes, cutlery and etc. 
Even though you planing just put them as their shape, its still do little cutting to make them attached perfectly on set. 
For example, the photos above. If you see it, it's just looks like we put them as their shape. But actually we cut thin slice under and another part as well to make its looks blend to each another ingredients. 
"With this type of styling our sense to ingredients will be much better and wikk effect to another style of course" Fatula ( senior Food stylist at Food Stylist Bali) said "I have been in the situation cannot buy any props in the beginning of my work, and find out this style which help me a lot to be better in my another style" 


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